Jesus Is the Way – The Narrow Way for Salvation

Oh Lord Jesus you are my strength and my refuge, without your greatness, humanity could never exist. You breathed life in your creation and gave us a life of abundance and the ability to worship you. My love is immense and I cherish my existence here on earth.

Lord I pray that your Holy Spirit dwells in us always and that you provide us with your love and direction. Jesus, I pray that all of us come to know you in a special way. A way in which we can always worship you and develop a deeper understanding of your greatness.

There is only one way and Jesus you are the door to our salvation and forgiveness. You provided us with saving grace and the ultimate price you have paid on the cross. Greatness surrounds you always and we are privileged to have been created by you with such love in your likeness.

I can’t imagine our lives here on earth without your Holy Spirit that is providing guidance and protection. I cherish the life that you have given to humanity and the love that you have for all people that you created in this world, oh Lord. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Online Prayer Request